2024-25 Committees
From the FSMS Constitution:
Article VIII Section 1. – Section 3.16
Article V, Section 1. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees.
Article VI, Section 2. The Executive Director shall serve as an ex-officio member of all FSMS Committees.
Standing Committees Article VIII, Section 3
3.1 Nominating Committee
Chair: Bob Johnson
Members: Angela Bailey, Nick DiGruttolo, Al Quickel, Tim Morris, Shane Christy, John Liptak, Jose Sanfiel, Lou Campanile, Jr., Don Elder, Allen Nobles
3.2 Membership Committee
Chair: Don Stouten
Members: Richard Allen, Shane Christy, Nick DiGruttolo, Tim Morris, Alex Parnes, Al Quickel, Earl Soeder, Eddie Suarez, and Brion Yancy
3.3 Finance Committee
Chair: Bon Dewitt
Members: Lou Campanile, Jr., Howard Ehmke, Russell Hyatt, Alex Parnes, Rick Pryce, and Manny Vera, Jr.
Consultants: Steve Csenge
3.4 Ethics Committee
Chair: Shane Christy
Members: Al Quickel, Greg Prather, and Manny Vera, Jr.
3.5 Education Committee
Chair: Greg Prather
Members: Angela Bailey, Lou Campanile, Jr., Bon Dewitt, Tim Morris, Rick Pryce, Gail Oliver, Eddie Suarez, Student: UF Student Chapter President: Kenneth Dell
3.6 Constitution & Resolution Advisory Committee
Chair: Pablo Ferrari
Members: John Clyatt, Howard Ehmke, Allen Nobles, and Jose Sanfiel
3.7 Annual Meeting Committee
Chair: Allen Nobles
Members: Lou Campanile, Jr., Shane Christy, Howard Ehmke, Rick Pryce, Earl Soeder, Don Stouten, and Host Chapter President
3.8 Legal Committee
Chair: Jack Breed
Members: Lou Campanile, Jr., Nick DiGruttolo, Sam Hall, Bob Johnson, John Liptak, Rick Pryce, Chad Thurner, and Manny Vera, Jr.
Consultants: Mike Bist
3.9 Legislative Committee
Chair: Jack Breed
Members: John Clyatt, Don Elder, Sam Hall, Russell Hyatt, Bob Johnson, Dodie Keith, Leo Mills, Brian Murphy, Ray Niles, Pam Nobles, Hal Peters, Alberto Rabionet, and Chad Thurner
Consultants: David Daniel
- Sub-Committee: FSMPAC
Chair: Jack Breed
Members: Ray Niles, Rick Pryce, Allen Nobles, Lou Campanile, Jr., Chad Thurner, Brion Yancy, Bob Johnson, Don Elder
Consultants: David Daniel
3.10 Florida Surveying and Mapping Council
Chair: Randy Tompkins
1. Jack Breed (Legal Committee Chair)
2. Justin Thomas (UF Geomatics)
3. Dr. Hongbo Su (FAU Geomatics)
4. Russell Hyatt (NSPS Director)
5. Mark Lapham (SWFWMD)
6. Brett Wood (FDOT)
7. Dennis Riordan (NGS Advisor)
8. Youssef Kaddoura (ASPRS Representative)
9. Matt Kalus (FCAM Representative)
10. Xan Fredericks (USGS Representative)
11. Scott Woolam (FDEP Bureau of Surveying and Mapping Chief)
12. Danny Williams (FDACS BPSM Appointee)
13. Kimberley Jackson (FL Geographic Info Officer)
14. Richard Allen (Surveyors in Government)
15. Rick Pryce (FSMS President)
3.11 Strategic Planning Committee
Chair: Bob Johnson
Members: Jack Breed, Lou Campanile, Jr., Bon Dewitt, Sam Hall, Russell Hyatt, and Rick Pryce
3.12 Executive Committee
Chair: Rick Pryce
Members: Lou Campanile, Jr., Bon Dewitt, Howard Ehmke, Allen Nobles, Bob Johnson, Eddie Suarez, and Rebecca Porter
Special Committees Article VIII, Section 3.14
1. Awards Committee
Chair: Howard Ehmke – Past President
Members: Jack Breed, Lou Campanile, Jr., Don Elder, Allen Nobles, and Rick Pryce
2. UF Alumni Membership Recruiting Committee
Chair: Russell Hyatt
Members: Jack Breed, Shane Christy, and Nick DiGruttolo
3. Professional Practice Committee
Chair: Lou Campanile, Jr.
Members: Nick DiGruttolo, Alex Parnes, Greg Prather, Manny Vera, Jr., and Brion Yancy
4. Equipment Theft
Chair: Manny Vera, Jr.
Members: Richard Allen, Rick Pryce, & Jose Sanfiel, and Eddie Suarez
5. Workforce Development Committee
Chair: Lou Campanile, Jr. Vice-Chair: Nick DiGruttolo Ex Officio: Rick Pryce
Members: Katie Britt, Dianne Collins, Bon Dewitt, Nick DiGruttolo, Don Elder, Sam Hall, David Hyatt, Russell Hyatt, Brian Murphy, Ray Niles, Allen Nobles, and Chad Thurner
Liaisons Article VIII, Section 3.12
1. CST Program - Alex Jenkins
2. FDACS BPSM - Don Elder
3. Surveyors in Government - Richard Allen
4. Academic Advisory - Justin Thomas, Nick DiGruttolo, Earl Soeder, and Todd Bates
5. FES - Lou Campanile, Jr.
Practice Sections
Article XII, Section 1
1. Geospatial Users Group (GUG)
President: Richard Allen
Vice President: Ron Hanson
Treasurer: Rebecca Porter
Secretary: Earl Soeder
2. Young Surveyors Network (YSN)
Chair - Joe Samberg, PSM
Vice Chair - Jonathan Nobles
Secretary - Mary Voor
Treasurer - Kenneth Dell, SIT
FSMS Membership FL YSN Representative- Coral L. Sperling