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President's MessageNovember 2018
My thoughts and prayers are with all those in the Panhandle area whose lives were changed so suddenly and drastically by Hurricane Michael. FSMS is committed through our Disaster Relief Fund to help and assist all of our fellow surveyors in any way we can. We have been gathering financial resources to help all of those in need, and we are ready to assist with any of your financial needs as you get back on your feet. Please contact the FSMS office and let us help. This is the type of people we surveyors are, and this is what your society does during times like these. The final months of 2018 are finally here, and it is time to start looking at and planning for 2019. In my message last month, I mentioned the importance of the legislative duties of FSMS and how your annual dues pays for this integral part of our association and how legislative interaction helps sustain and protect our licenses and businesses. I also mentioned the importance of the FSMPAC, and encouraged everyone to be an annual contributor at whatever level you can. Having a financially strong PAC greatly enhances the effectiveness of our legislative voice. So, with membership renewal notices coming out just around the corner, I want to remind everyone of the importance of joining and maintaining FSMS, and what FSMS does for you. FSMS gives each of its members a membership and a voice in NSPS, as well as the ability to network with fellow members on both a national and state level. We strive to maintain local chapters that are led by volunteer officers and populated by members who work throughout your local communities in the private and public sectors. If you are renewing as a full member, your membership will provide you with a voucher for 3 CEC’s which can be used for a correspondence course or a live 3-hour seminar when available. FSMS works to support NSPS’s CST program, associate-level education opportunities, and well-funded college scholarships that are available to students. We have an excellent Board of Directors, and each member serves on established committees that tackle the following areas: legal issues, legislative issues, unlicensed practice, equipment thefts, education, governmental affairs, and keeping in touch with our state regulatory board. We are here to serve and listen to the needs of the profession and our members to the best of our ability, now and into the future. For the 29 years that I have been a member of FSMS, it has never failed to support me, my business or family. I am grateful and thankful for that, and thankful for the opportunity to serve the Society and give back to this honorable profession. During this month of Thanksgiving, take time to be thankful to God, your family, friends, fellow workers and associates. Thank a veteran and our men and women in uniform for this great country of ours. “Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is.” –Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea |